Heart Web

WordPress / Elementor Info pt1

In this article

Elementor page builder

See this page for a few ‘getting started’ videos on Elementor – there are many more in the Elementor site docs.  I recommend looking at all three in order.


Content Types


Site pages are constant and don’t change much over time.  They display the main content for the site.  Not categorised or tagged.  Pages will usually be added the menu structure so the user can find them.


Generally for time sensitive content – so blog’s or new’s articles.  Can be categorised and tagged and so filtered on Archive pages. 
Individual Posts will not normally be added to the menus.  A Post type archive will be added to the menu, and then the user finds the post via an archive page.  e.g. News or Blog page.
more on the diff between pages/posts :


Landing Pages [Elementor Templates]

In the general marketing sense, these are normal pages focussed solely on pushing the user to conversion/purchase.  Usually these  pages will remove any page elements that might distract the use from hitting the “buy” button.  So no header, menu, ads, footer. Elementor has a Landing Page type that defaults to a page template (see below) that has no header/footer etc. Landing pages will not normally be linked directly or indirectly (via archive) on the site.  The user will normally be taken to a landing page directly from an email link or other marketing funnel action.
More here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XjS-vPXblpk&ab_channel=Elementor

Custom Post Types (Products, Testimonials, Courses, Team, Books etc)

WP allows the creation of custom post types that customise the Post content type with extra data fields, e.g. Woo Product’s, and then usually provides extra functionality related to these (Orders, Checkout etc). To create a new instance of, for e.g.,  a Product, you go to the WP Dashboard, find the Products menu and create new one on the list page or menu.  Same for other types.  Not all customer post types support (or need) Elementor to create them.  Simple ones, like Team members, are done using the simple WP editor. Custom post types may be added to the menu or found via an Archive page depending on what they are.

Popups [Elementor Templates]

Elementor allows you to create popup’s that can be displayed on the site.  This is how I have created the login popup, news letter sign-up popup etc.  You need to understand display conditions etc to use these properly, otherwise we can end up with a poorly performing site as every page might be loading every popup!
more: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2lPoObvlB8I&ab_channel=Elementor

Templates (Singles, Archives, Loop, etc) [Elementor Templates|Theme Builder]

I mentioned Singles and Archives above.  Loop templates are the mini-templates used in archives (or content queries in page) that define how each post summary is displayed within an archive page.  There are also grid templates that define how all the post loops are displayed in the archive, e.g. a 3×3 grid, or 2×5 or a loop per row.

By default, any new content page (Page, Post, Product etc) will be created with the default template for that type.

It is then possible to change that, but only if you have a specific reason to do so.
All of these templates (and other stuff) form what is know as the Theme for the wp site.

Display conditions: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HsFBi-u_XdM&ab_channel=Elementor

WordPress has a Menu editor to enables you to create menu’s which are then added to page headers or footers as part of the Theme.  So to add a page to a menu you need to follow these instructions.  It’s straight forward.

See: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ERpr0TCnf4w